Geeky Baby Gifts Blog
How to choose a pram/pushchair/buggy/stroller?
First of all as a new parent to be, I have no idea about the difference between a pram and a pushchair! Let me share my research details for “what is classed a pram or pushchair”.
I found an article on Babycentre website to clarify this; “A pram is designed to carry new-borns and younger babies, usually while they’re lying down. It’s sturdy and generally can’t be folded flat. A stroller is lightweight and collapsible, ideal for older babies. A buggy can be a pushchair or a stroller, depending on who you ask!”
So it doesn`t seem too straight forward but the criteria seems to be the angle of the bed/seat and age of the baby. A pram is suggested to be used for new-born babies so I will check prams first!
I have created a new Google search for “best newborn prams 2016” as I would like to find the latest product reviews and latest products. Luckily there are only 5.8 million search results!!
Before I go through with the results, most important thing to consider is your partners and your requirements for a pram! It`s not just a bed for the baby but also a life saver for you so it has to help you rather than making your life harder. What do we need to consider for our requirements?
-parents won`t be together all the time so we need to plan for 1 parent to use the pram
-public transport usage (as per latest regulation changes, wheelchairs have priority in buses so you have to consider a folding pram/pushchair)
-car boot space
-baby has to lie flat for at least 3 months and many great feedbacks from mumsnet advises not to have an upright seated pram as babies won`t be able to support their heads
-rain cover
-sturdy to carry shopping and essentials
Ok we have enough to consider so lets start with best seller prams on Amazon!
I have filtered my search to see the most reviewed prams so I can go through the real! feedback from people using these products every single day. As the product prices can change after this post is published, please make sure you check the latest prices.